Reg. No. 16070910
Birth Date: 08/28/2007 | Tattoo: 730
Sire: G A R Retail Product | Dam: G Bar Erica Dianna 0709 | Dam's Sire: Finks 5522-6148

"Our calves sired by Git-R-Done are moderate, thick and structurally correct. I am most excited about how sound these cattle are on their feet and legs. Our heaviest weaned calf, sired by Git-R-Done this last fall, weighed 1,065 lbs. - right off the cow. The heifers are fertile and they are proving to be easy keepers. I highly recommend introducing him to your cows... We are sure glad we did!"
-Cliff Munson, KaaeKrest Angus, and Kohl Creek Angus, Etna, Calif.
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